The Ghost Corporation is a Social Gaming Organization with the structure that mimic's a Corporation. The Virtual Corporation was initially founded in 2005 under a PMC structure with a group that was mainly focused on War Games. Over the years the structure would change to branch the member base to all Player Game Styles to further diversify and establish an Empire Building Doctrine. In 2022 The Ghost Corporation was Officially Incorporated as a Non-Profit Social Gaming Organization.
2005 - Foundation
Battlefield: Bad Company
Battlefield 2
Battlefield: Bad Compay 2
Battlefield 3
2013 - Expansion
Battlefield 4
Battlefield Hardline
Battlefield 1
Battlefield 5
2019 - Diversify
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Apex Legends
No Man's Sky
2020 - Evolution
Star Citizen
Escape From Tarkov
Project Zomboid
Diablo IV